Base Hits

1:1 student success programming

Welcome! Student success - it's our only priority. There's no time to waste. We will meet you right where you are: whether it is weeks before the term starts to get a plan in place OR mid-semester where the wheels have flown off of the bus and it seems as though there is little hope left. At Base Hits, we understand. We've been through it. At your household, the journey may have just started or it may be nearing the end. Either way, we're here to help.

Just like many other things that need our attention in our busy lives--our dry cleaning or laundry, our housekeeping, our landscaping, our car's maintenance, or our meals--we get help where we can, if we can. We focus on things we're good at. And. We're smart. We've learned all about opportunity costs. We also understand the basics about getting things done, and that life gets done at the margins. At Base Hits, we believe in incremental successes. One hit at a time, one base at a time. Constantly swinging for the fences is a fool's game. This game, the student success game, is about hits. It's about focusing on strengths of all the member's of the team, supporting one another. The lineup is simple: Student, Parent, Base Hits, and a 1:1 plan for success. Now all you need to do is execute, get on base, and you'll be "home" before you know it!

Email us today for a free consultation and learn more about how Base Hits can help:

The metaphor - the game of baseball - Base Hits:

Takes a Team - student, parent, peers, coach (Base Hits)

Everyone (should) know their position

Takes serious, focus, practice, then... more focus!

Balance is key

Have to keep swinging

Not a spectator sport

Know the line up, where you fit, know your part

Know the rules

Plan (to succeed!)

Base hits get you on base, then...

Getting on base gets you closer to home, to score!