For Students

To All Students

Show up, Pay attention, Speak the truth, Don't attach yourself to the outcomes

Show up. As a student, your job is fairly simple, you must show up. Yes, you're going to need to go to class--however that might look nowadays; whether it's in-person or a Zoom call. Show up in your mind, body and soul! There's no denying it, but "being present" is a simple, yet critical piece of your success.

Pay attention. Once you're there, "on the field" so to speak, focus on the task at hand. If it's a lecture, participate, raise your hand to ask a question; if it's a worksheet or set of homework problems, dig in, get to it straight away!

Speak the truth. Your truth. If something is unclear, or you need something explained further, ask for clarity. Do it right away. Try to establish a new habit of getting to the point more quickly so as to get the things you need--the tools--to finish strong. It's okay to be you.

Don't attach yourself to the outcomes. If you get an "A" on the assignment or project, great! If you didn't get a high mark, that's okay too. Either way, move on. In baseball--if a player gets a hit, gets on base (instead of a fantastical home run) they don't give up--they celebrate! It's a base hit! There's forward momentum! If players quit every time they didn't get a home run or struck out, the game as we know it would be extremely boring and most likely over forever! And, because the player didn't give up, it gives us hope--hope that next time they're at bat, they'll hit the ball, get on base, move on in the game! Baseball or education--it's important to not get too caught up in the results. This is not to suggest Base Hits is uninterested in traditional academic success or otherwise not encouraged by high marks on completed assignments. Things will come and go, good and bad. Be encouraged and be okay with doing your best, learn from it, then move on. Getting great grades is a bonus for your efforts, but... genuine learning is the real goal and sometimes grades are not the best indicator for the things we have learned or need to learn. One thing is clear, we must move forward either way.

Base Hits is a 1:1 student success program, which means you will have support when and where you need it. We are here to help you in managing your schedule demands for homework, tests, study time, exercise, and social activities. We are "all in" and here to support you on your path to success! We are your partner, your teammate, and your toolkit! Remember to breathe, take one step, one "hit" at a time; we've got your back!